Due to the lack of protection for our children in public schools and the egregious curriculum that is being implemented, a group of faith based families have joined forces to create a new pathway for our children. We have fought for our rights as parents and even invited board members in our districts to partner with us in combating such arbitrary mandates for children, and we were completely disregarded.
Instead of continuing to expend our energy against the school system, we have redirected our time, energy, money, and creativity to create our own micro class. A group of us parents have spent hours of research, interviewing, and organizing this new pathway of education for our children.
My name is Lindsy and I am currently am a wife to a first responder, mother to 3 girls, and am a full time tenured faculty member at a College in Southern CA. I have served 10 years and my line of work has been dedicated to serving the disproportionately impacted students.
I have counseled students recovering from abuse, are victims of human trafficking and have worked with programs serving daca and first generation students. It has been an honor to have created the foster youth program, known as Independent Scholars. The pedagogy and ideologies I serve from is based on equality.
I have been committed to being a voice for the voiceless... not in a million years did I ever think I would have to be a voice for 7, 4, and newly 1 year old. I am saddened by this reality, but more than willing and honored to speak and advocate for our children.
My husband and I both work full time and many other parents are in the same position. Many know home school is not feasible.. and we ALSO have our children wanting to be with friends and go to school to socialize.
We asked the districts to be creative, intelligent and create pathways... they disregarded our plea...
So it's on us as parents to get creative. As I have shared I teamed up with parents willing to put in a lot of extra time, creativity, and effort and we created a micro class room.
When there is a will there is a way. No one should be shamed for making decisions but I also will not sit idle and act like our hands are tied. We all have choices.
My decision was to redirect my energy of sadness, disappointment, anger and frustration and convert it to something positive.
We have a class do 13 children and we start school September 7th and it's been one of the most incredible experiences creating a pathway for them... lots of work but worth every second of it.
If we want to raise up courageous children, we as parents must show them how...
How each of us does that is between us and our maker. As long as we go to bed at night knowing deep in our gut we are doing all we can to protect and advocate that's what matters. If you don't have a peace on what you are doing, as a woman of faith to those with faith, I would be asking God for some help and guidance and be bold enough and willing to follow through if He asks you to do something and take action.
If that action is to start a micro class I pray this helps you start your adventure!
United we stand!
Example Curriculum
Free Information on Micro Class
If you wish to work with Lindsy 1:1, please message her on IG at @lindsyklavalle and she will send availability.